Privacy Policy

Last updated: January 5th, 2024

We here at LearnAI are dedicated to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy will explain in detail how we collect your personal information on our platform and what we intend to use and disclose your personal information.

By reading our Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and consented to our gathering, and storing your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

LearnAI reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Notice at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Notice to stay informed about our information practices. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Notice, we will notify you through our Services before updating our policy.

The personal information we collect varies depending on how you engage with us and our Services, as well as applicable laws. We gather the information that you provide directly to us, data that we automatically collect when you use our Services, and information from other sources, such as third-party services and organizations.

How your information is used:

We process your personal information for various business purposes, including but not limited to providing and improving our Services, performing administrative tasks related to our Services, and marketing our products and Services to you. Specifically, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

Providing and improving our Services: We use your personal information to provide and improve our Services, such as processing your orders, fulfilling your requests, and responding to your inquiries. We may also use your information to personalize your experience with our Services, for example by recommending products or services that may interest you based on your purchase history.

Administrative purposes: We use your personal information for administrative purposes related to our Services, such as maintaining and improving the quality of our Services, ensuring the security of our systems, and preventing fraud and abuse.

Marketing our products and Services: We may use your personal information to market our products and Services to you, such as sending you promotional emails or targeted advertisements. We may also use your information to conduct market research or analyze user behavior to improve our marketing strategies and offerings.

In addition to the above, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

Answering requests for customer or technical support.

Communicating with you about our Services, and policy changes.

Processing your financial information and other payment methods for products or Services purchased.

Processing applications if you apply for a job we post on our Services.

Pursuing our legitimate interests such as direct marketing, research and development (including marketing research), network and information security, and fraud prevention.

Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity.

Measuring interest and engagement in our Services.

Short-term, transient use, such as contextual customization of ads.

Improving, upgrading, or enhancing our Services.

Developing new products and Services.

Ensuring internal quality control and safety.

Authenticating and verifying individual identities.

Auditing relating to interactions, transactions, and other compliance activities.

Enforcing our agreements and policies.

Complying with our legal obligations.

Rest assured that we will only use your personal information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice or other purposes that are disclosed to you at the time of collection, and we will obtain your consent if required by applicable law.

Retention of Data:

We are committed to retaining your Personal Data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. This means that we will use and retain your Data only to the extent required to meet our legal obligations, such as complying with applicable laws, settling disputes, and enforcing our legal agreements and policies.

In addition, we may retain Usage Data for a shorter period, unless we need to keep it for longer to enhance the security or improve the functionality of our Services, or if we are legally required to retain this data for longer periods. We may also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes.

Data Disclosure:

We may need to disclose personal information that we collect from you or that you provide to us in certain situations:

Disclosure for Law Enforcement: We may be required to disclose your Data in response to valid requests by public authorities or if required to do so by law.

Data Security:

At LearnAI, we prioritize the security of your information and take measures to ensure that it is treated per this Privacy Notice. However, it's important to note that no system can guarantee 100% security, and we cannot be held liable for any unauthorized disclosures of your information to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

By using our Services or providing personal information to us, you consent to receive electronic communications from us regarding security, privacy, and administrative matters related to your use of our Services. In the event of a security breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically by posting a notice on our Services, sending an email to you, or by mail.

PDPA Guidelines:

As LearnAI is located in Singapore, users of our platform are protected under Singapore's PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act). LearnAI’s Privacy Policy is heavily derived and strictly follows PDPA Regulations and Guidelines. As a user of our services, your personal information and data are automatically protected by Singapore's PDPA.

To understand more about PDPA, here is the main overview:

What is the PDPA?

In Singapore, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) establishes a fundamental level of safeguarding for personal data. The PDPA works alongside sector-specific laws such as the Banking Act and the Insurance Act to provide a comprehensive framework for protecting personal data.

The PDPA mandates rules governing the gathering, utilization, communication, and upkeep of personal data in Singapore. Additionally, it allows for the development of a national Do Not Call (DNC) Registry. By registering their Singapore telephone numbers with the DNC Registry, individuals can opt out of receiving undesirable telemarketing messages from organizations.

Objectives of the PDPA

The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) acknowledges the importance of protecting individuals' data while also recognizing the legitimate and reasonable need for organizations to collect, use, or disclose personal data.

A comprehensive data protection framework is essential to prevent the misuse of personal data and to foster individuals' confidence in organizations that handle their data.

By regulating the transfer of personal data among organizations, the PDPA aims to enhance Singapore's reputation as a reliable hub for businesses.

LearnAI’s Obligations to the PDPA

Regarding Singapore's PDPA, we at LearnAI are committed to fulfilling our obligations to safeguard the personal data provided by our users. Here are the obligations that LearnAI covers that are as required by the PDPA:

Accountability Obligation: LearnAI has implemented measures to ensure that we meet our obligations under the Act, including making information about our data protection policies, practices, and complaints process available upon request.

Notification Obligation: LearnAI will inform individuals of the specific purposes for which their data will be collected, used, or disclosed. This notification should be provided clearly and concisely and given before or at the time of data collection.

Consent Obligation: LearnAI ensures that we only collect, use, or disclose personal data with an individual's consent and for the purposes, they have agreed to. We also make sure that individuals are fully informed of the purposes for which their data is being collected, used, or disclosed. If an individual wishes to withdraw their consent, we provide reasonable notice and inform them of the likely consequences of withdrawal. Once consent is withdrawn, we ensure that we cease to collect, use, or disclose the individual's data.

Purpose Limitation Obligation: LearnAI shall only collect, use, or disclose personal data for purposes that are reasonable and appropriate under the given circumstances and for which the individual has given consent. LearnAI shall not make the consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data a condition for providing a product or service beyond what is reasonable to provide that product or service.

Accuracy Obligation: LearnAI will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal data it collects is accurate and complete. This is especially important if the data is likely to be used to make a decision that affects the individual or if it will be disclosed to another organization. LearnAI should take steps to verify the accuracy of the data, and if it is found to be inaccurate or incomplete, it should be corrected or deleted as soon as possible.

Protection Obligation: LearnAI establishes reasonable security measures to safeguard the personal data it possesses and prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or similar risks. This includes implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, such as access controls, encryption, and regular security audits, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data.

Retention Obligation: Should personal data is no longer required for any business or legal purpose, LearnAI will discontinue the retention of personal data or dispose of it appropriately.

Transfer Obligation: LearnAI will transfer personal data to another country only if it meets the requirements prescribed under regulations, ensuring that the level of protection is comparable to that provided under the PDPA unless exempted by the PDPC (Singapore's Personal Data Protection Commission).

Access and Correction Obligation: At LearnAI, we are committed to providing individuals with access to their data upon request, as well as information about how the data was used or disclosed within a reasonable timeframe. We also make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the personal data in our possession and will correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable. If a correction is made, we will send the corrected data to other organizations to which the personal data was disclosed (or to selected organizations to which the individual has consented) within a reasonable timeframe before the correction is made.

Data Breach Notification Obligation: LearnAI is required to take steps to assess if a data breach is notifiable. If the breach is likely to result in significant harm to individuals, and/or is of significant scale, LearnAI must notify the PDPC and the affected individuals as soon as practicable.

Data Portability Obligation: LearnAI must allow individuals to request for their data that is under the organization's possession or control to be transmitted to another organization in a commonly used machine-readable format.

We at LearnAI are committed to protecting your data and complying with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore. Our policies and practices ensure that your data is collected, used, disclosed, and protected by the PDPA.

By continuing to use our products or services, you consent to the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy as well as the Terms and conditions mentioned above from time to time, so please check back periodically for updates.


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